Monday, June 30, 2008


I have danced as a saint
Though with secret slumbered steps
Danced as the light glowed faint
Sang praises with thou tongue
And carried my heart of stone
Creeping disguised in the shadows
Near to His mighty throne
Where salvation was upon my skin
And darkness shed my true being
Weakened at my knees I wept
My soul longing for everlasting freeing
At the feet of a Savior
Who upon, I did scoff and spit
Wrath poured out in my place
I, a forgiven hypocrite.


Rebekah said...

Yay! I am glad you are back. And that is really beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What, no poems about Sarah?

Teasing. Very lovely poem, B!

Franz Schneider said...

Well-written, my friend! "A forgiven hypocrite." Oh, what grace!