Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Broken Ship

*To my sister, walk with Him!

Vanishing hope and weary regret
My heart a lost ship at sea
Drifting with a storm’s palm
Silence has fallen upon me

A weak vessel floating off
With little direction or joy
The Sails slump, I’m lost
My bearings remain coy

Tears break from the heavy sky
Thunder crackles in the angry air
Wind casts me off to darkness
My heart fading into despair

And Yet a Light pursues me
O Lord, shine down your light
May it burst through the heavens
In your sea of mercy shine bright

O Lord, you are my captain
My compass of direction and hope
To lead my heart out of despair
Help me bring the Cross into scope

Floating hope and growing joy
My Heart a Strong Ship at Sea
Sailing under the Lord’s palm
By His Love, Grace and Mercy


Anonymous said...

it's perfect.

Anonymous said...

wow Bran...that was (as Ru put it) perfect...you've no idea!! Thank you for sharing that...