Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dependent on Divine Love

Here is an open Window, a look at my heart

My words, an escape is this my last chance?

For through broken Glass, I see

fear and anxiety, my life at first glance

a twisted calamity, shadows of pride

O’ Father, I do not know your design

But I know there is a Tree of Grace,

The foot of it, my fears resign

I know better than to complain

How much more, what will break me

I see more storm clouds in the horizon,

Father, I wish you would just take me

I look forward to an eternity

Join with Christ, dance and rejoice

O’ Lord, whom should I fear?

For you saved me, not my choice

But it is not time for me to go

You Father, have a predestined plan

I have a calling, to protect my daughter

And to lead my son to become a man

Forgive me for more iniquities Father!

Shepard me Lord when trials rain

Lift my cup, asking for more and more

Grace! Until I am free from all worldly pain!

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