Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Reflection

Reference James 1:22-25

When I stare intently at myself

A reflection not always meek

Righteousness of God I’ve sought

Slow to anger, slow to speak

I see a spirit ready to be taught

O` Father! Convicting is your mirror

Rapid anger and a sharp tongue

Weapons of a deceitful heart

But my reflection is still young

And your Mercy, a daily start

My Face, staring back at me

Adjustments surely to be made

Husband and father I yearn to re-flect

A man, who remembers, does not fade

One who can lead and pro-tect

O` Father, help adjust my reflection

Thank you for I am not the man I was

But I’m not the man I yearn to be

Father I pray to be a man that does!

A reflection of His death on the tree

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

b..i love it! Really reeally good...